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Council of the College of Human Medicine 252

Date : 16 Apr 2024

Today, the Council of Beni Suef College of Medicine held its session No. (252) on April 16, 2024. In the presence of Prof. Dr. Khaled Al-Sayed Al-Hadidi, Dean of the College of Human Medicine, Chairman of the Board of Directors of University Hospitals, and the college’s vice deans.

Happy New Year and Happy Eid Al-Fitr

Date : 8 Apr 2024

Congratulations of the Dean on the happy occasion of Eid Al-Fitr Season's greetings

Honoring Dr. Hisham Boshra, Director General of University Hospitals and the Management Team of University Hospitals

Date : 10 Mar 2024

Honoring Dr. Hisham Boshra, Director General of University Hospitals and the Management Team of University Hospitals

The Dean of the College of Medicine and the Director of the University Hospital inspect the Emergency and Emergency Care Department.

Date : 22 Nov 2023

The Dean of the College of Medicine and the Director of the University Hospital inspect the Emergency and Emergency Care Department and follow up on new expansions in critical care

About Faculty

Presidential Decree No. 23 of 1995 was issued to establish the Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital thereto.

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