
College Council session No. 221

14 Sep 2021

Headed by Prof. Dr. Atef Morsi, Dean of the College and Chairman of the University Hospitals Board of Directors, and in the presence of the professors members of the College Council, the College Council session No. 221 was held in the College Council Hall, where the Council commenced its work, Prof. Gentlemen, the new members of the Council. Then the Council continued discussing the agenda, where it was approved to form and approve the following committees: The Graduate Studies and Research Committee for the academic year 2021/2022 - The Education and Students Committee for the academic year - The Community Service and Environmental Development Committee for the academic year - The Curriculum Committee for the academic year Medical Research Ethics Committee. It was also approved to set the proposed rules for the program for the success of students and their transition to the next academic stages. Postgraduate registrations and protocols for master’s and doctoral theses were also approved. The college’s plan to combat Corona for the new academic year was also discussed, which began by vaccinating a large number of faculty members, staff and students during the week. The past, as the Prof. Dr. / Dean of the college directed that there are some measures that the college will take with those who fail to take the initiative, including deprivation from cultural or sports activities for students and deprivation from not attending department councils and meetings of various committees for faculty members, and that it is an alternative to taking The vaccine is to bring a pcr test not to be infected with corona, as His Excellency noted that from the beginning of the new school year, the study will be face to face and in the presence of students and not through e-learning in accordance with the instructions of the Supreme Council of Universities directed by the professor / president of the university, and the regularity of faculty members and their assistants was also emphasized In the educational process within the university hospital and arrangement with s The Public Health Department and the Corona Control Committee to start implementing the Corona control plan during the new school year, and the establishment of a committee for the medical-legal consultation unit, whose work is based on the forensic medicine department and its members in the college, and the Council approved a cooperation protocol with the Health Directorate in Beni Suef to train fellowship doctors and operate Health Wara Hospitals in Beni Suef The Prof. Dr. / Dean of the College also presented the achievements of the College and the University Hospital during the past year